Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 45: I'm Doing It All Now

Class: Creative Writing
Class: Pre-AP Sophomore English
Class: AP Senior English
Study Hall

In creative writing Mariah, Meg and I continued to work on our group quest story. I asked the class if they could use more time with their stories and all of the groups agreed that they could use more time. So I gave them another week. We all sent the rest of class working. The second set of sophomores did their presentations today. They were much better than the other class. Every group had something prepared and they were well done. The best one I think was Flynnpick’s music video. They did a really awesome rap. Ghost of Banquo acted their presentation out but it was very obvious to me that the only person who had any idea what was going on was Garrett. It seemed like he did most of the writing and the others were just taking direction from him. However, it was a good adaptation. They did a good job making it into a sci-fi action. I passed out to them all of their papers they need for the unit on Night that we are starting. I again got a lot of whining because of the projects they must create for. The students whose projects weren’t due the next class were even whining. I ended up having to tell them what projects are due when. And even then they continue to whine. I eventually gave up on them. I passed out the books and went over their homework assignment. They had time this time to talk about everything but just enough time. I did a much better job this time with timing. I was happy to see that we got everything in and that they got their homework assignments. With the seniors I did the same poetry activity I did the day before. The students did well with it again. I could see that they were surprised by which texts were poems and which weren’t. I think that this project will make their portfolios and their definitions of poetry interesting. I again assigned their projects, reading and a reading question. They handled the news even better than the last class. They were happy to get their projects so early. Plus once they saw that my plan was to front load the work in order to make it easier in the end, they were more willing to work. I think that all of the classes went well today.

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