Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 8: Accreditation


Today we spent all day in a meeting going over self-reflections and core belief statements for accreditation. The day was long. There was a lot of debate about how things should be worded and what things needed to be added or removed according to how important they were to what the people visiting were looking for. I didn’t have a lot to contribute to the conversation. I was amazed by how people worked on this. There was a lot of back and forth and sometimes it seemed like the group would never come to a consensus because everyone wanted something different. Sometimes even the compromises were shot down because they were yet something else to add to the different ideas on the table. No one seemed like they were completely happy. In fact everyone seemed bored or if they weren’t bored they were irritated and miserable. This was a long process that didn’t seem to be getting anyone anywhere. Despite all of the disagreements people remained civil. No one called anyone else names and there wasn’t a lot of yelling. I was impressed by that.

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