Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 7: School Should be Fun!

Day 7:
Class: Creative Writing
Class: Pre AP Sophomores
Class: AP Lit Seniors
Study Hall

Today was the start of a new semester. This means that we got to finally start our new elective, Creative Writing. It was so much fun! We are doing a create your own world theme so all of the writing is going to be about a fantasy/ sci-fi world that the students get to make up. Then they get to make characters and write stories about what happens when these characters interact. The kids were pumped to get started. The whole time we were explain the wiki we are using to hold all of the writings they were asking when they could get started creating. And they are all just bursting with ideas on what their world should be like. I wish that every class could be like that. That every class I taught could be enthused or at least interested in what we were doing. Maybe we should not have so many classes be mandatory. Or maybe we should come up with a way to make classes that kids who don’t typically like the subject will like. For example, I don’t like science and I avoid taking science classes but if there was a science class similar to myth busters I would be all over it. Or a math class that involved writing. Something like that, this way kids could enjoy learning a little more. I just feel like school isn’t fun and in many ways it should be. Having fun encourages learning, increases a positive mood, makes kids like school and inspires creativity. Why can’t we do more to encourage that?

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